The Freedom Rides Devotional
In 1961 the United States Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) launched the Freedom Rides to challenge segregation on interstate buses and bus terminals. These rides were critical during the Civil Rights Movement and even today remain rich with gems, lessons, and teachings. What follows is a four part devotional that traces through the historic Freedom Rides. I invite you to take your time, buckle up, and prepare to journey through scripture. So how about we get started, I hope you enjoy the ride…

The Stranger In The Sheep Pen
This is a short story that I wrote based off of Jesus’ words in John 10:1-5. I hope you enjoy reading it!

I’m Going Into Ministry
By God’s Grace, for this next chapter of life I will be serving the Lord through an organization called The Impact Movement. Click Here to Learn More!

The Finish Line
It’s neck and neck. Who is going to finish first? Kingston or Richards? Read to find out what happens next.

Rural Coalition
Over winter break, I had the amazing opportunity to chaperone a trip to Washington DC with the Springfield Food Policy Council. Click here to learn more!

Screen Time
It’s confession time. In this post I unpack how technology and streaming services have creeped their way into my nightly routine. It’s gone too far, and here’s what I’m learning.

I’m on the Radio
I’m on the Radio! This week I and others were featured on WHMP’s “Talk the Talk” radio broadcast! Click here to learn more about it.

Impact Ghana
This summer, God allowed me to spend three weeks in Accra, Ghana! What follows is an overview and highlights of the trip with the IMPACT Movement.

My Honors Thesis
What follows is my honors thesis project, “The Hampden County Table Stories.” Click below to learn more about it!

My First IMPACT Conference
Here’s a post about my first ever IMPACT Conference during New Years in Indianapolis!

My Job at GTC
Over the last year I’ve had the amazing opportunity to work with a nonprofit food justice organization called Gardening the Community (GTC). So, what follows is my first ever newsletter that I sent out to GTC community! I hope you enjoy reading and learn a little bit more about my job at GTC.

A Movement in the Making
The time has come and revival is happening among the Black community at UMass Amherst! The IMPACT Movement is our means of bringing God’s kingdom near, and this post unpacks how it got started.

Operation HIP Springfield
This was my final project for ENGL 379: Introduction to Professional Writing. The assignment was to write a Mock Grant Proposal, so I decided to draft a document entitled Operation HIP Springfield: A Grant Proposal Seeking Funding from the The U.S. Department of Agriculture to Increase HIP Customers at Gardening the Community in Springfield, MA.

The Middle East
During the month of June 2022, I was called by the Lord to serve His children in the Middle East! Here I will explain to you the reason behind that calling, what exactly we did over there, the things that were challenging, and practical next steps for the future!

The Dream Advisors
This is a Social Science Fiction Short Story that I wrote for a final paper in Spring 2022. The paper was for the Community Scholars Program, and it explores creative ways of rethinking the education system. I hope it can encourage you, and inspire you to think about the ways we go about our dreams!