My Guitar Birthday
September 30th is my Acoustic Guitar Birthday! Watch the video to see my growth throughout the year!
Trouble Don’t Last Always
By the grace of God, the UMass Gospel Choir had the amazing privilege to sing at UMass’ annual Holiday Card to Amherst! In this video, I help lead the traditional Gospel song “Trouble Don't Last Always” by Reverend Timothy Wright. I hope you enjoy watching!
Leadership Manifesto
During the 2023-24 academic school year, I will be serving as a Residential Assistant in Coolidge Hall at UMass Amherst. As a future RA, I was tasked at making a “Leadership Manifesto” to convey how I will contribute to making positive change for my campus community.
2022 iMPACT National Conference
This is a video was created by a member of the UMass IMPACT Movement, David Akoh. He beautifully captivated the IMPACT National Conference experience and I hope you enjoy watching!
2021 in YellowStone
Watch my summer friends and I as we reflect on the ways we saw God work in Yellowstone National Park
Ocean Ghosts
This video was a project for my Geology 101H Course: Oceanography. The video explores the fascinating topic of ghosts in the ocean. Turns out, they’re REAL! To learn more about the things haunting our oceans click below!